
Check out the FAQ below first for quick questions & answers. If you have a question about an order, please include your order number. Cacaw!


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You should become a Crow-ny if you're looking for a place to learn, ask questions, connect with like-minded herbal enthusiasts, share your experiences, hear others' stories, participate in fun contests, sales, & giveaways, and stay updated on Curio Crow's latest hubbub.  If that's you, just click.... right..... here.

Here's a little taste of what it looks like...

Orders & Shipping

How do I find out my order number/order details/ shipping information?

You should receive an order confirmation email when you submit your order and a shipping confirmation email when your packing slip is printed. Check your junk/spam if you don't see it.

What is your processing/shipping time frame?

We generally ship at least twice a week on our end, so about 2-3 business days processing time, 5 days max if we get sick or an emergency occurs. After we send it off, USPS Ground Advantage takes 2-5 business days.

Do you ship internationally? 

We only ship to the US and Canada.

Can I return a product? What if I received the wrong item or my order was damaged?

We do not accept returns. If you received an incorrect or damaged item, send us a cacaw on our Contact Form with your order number and the details of what went wrong, and we will replace it for you. You do not need to return it, just keep it for yourself or give it to a friend!

What forms of payment do you accept?

Debit/Credit cards, Shop Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Paypal, & Metapay


Herbal Remedy Basics & Use

How long does it take for a product to work?

It depends on the person, the issue, and the remedy. Some may experience relief within minutes, hours, or days, for other issues weeks, up to 2 months.

Do tinctures expire? Are they temperature sensitive?

Apple Cider Vinegar & Glycerin based products have a 2-3 year shelf life. Alcohol based products have a 7+ year shelf life.  It is best to store them in a cool, room temperature place out of direct sunlight so they do not degrade. They will last longest this way.  The alcohol ones may last well beyond 7 years if stored well!

What is the best way to take tinctures/how should I take them? Can you mix the tinctures in a drink (juice, coffee, tea, water, etc)? 

Either take it straight, or mix it in with a drink of your choice. Super hot temps may degrade the compounds in the tincture so save adding them for when it's cooled down below pure lava hot :).  You can also drop directly under your tongue and let it absorb for 30 seconds then spit it out or swallow.  

How often should I take tinctures?

It depends on the need and the tincture. You may take them once a day, multiple times a day, or as needed. If you're actively trying to get rid of a cold, for example, you can take it up to 5 times a day.  If you're using it as a preventative or for chronic issues, once or twice a day is a good rule of thumb.  Check the description of each tincture for additional info.

How many drops should I take? When is the best time to take them?

Always check the description on the back of each tincture since it varies. 

Drops depend on your size, metabolism, and acuteness of symptoms. A standard 20-30 drop dose is for a 150lb adult. You can take your weight, divide it by 150, and multiply that by the dosage on the bottle. For example, a 50lb child would take 1/3 of the dose, about 7-10 drops, because 50/150 is 1/3rd.  If you have a faster metabolism, or your symptoms are severe, you may need a higher dose or more frequent doses.

Sedative herbs like Valerian, Peace & Quiet, and Ow Kapow should be tested at bedtime first and not before driving or operating machinery in case they make you drowsy.  

How long does a bottle of tincture last?

There are about 60 20-drop or 1mL doses in a 2oz bottle. If you take 1x a day, it should last you 2 months. However, dosage and frequency may vary based on weight, metabolism, and acuteness of symptoms.

What's the difference between the different bases? Will one be more effective than another?

TLDR: alcohol is the best because it acts a universal solvent, able to extract the highest amount of beneficial compounds, has a longer shelf life, and absorbs into the bloodstream fastest.  But depending on your circumstance, the other bases may be the best option for you and still be effective!

I am going to split this answer into 2: one answer for most herbs and a more in depth answer for mushrooms. We will be discussing alcohol, vinegar, and glycerin (a sweet vegetable-derived substance).  

In general (not mushrooms), the effectiveness of alcohol vs vinegar depends on each plant and target compound. In general, an alcohol extraction will be the more potent form, unless you are aiming for alkaloidal bitters for digestion, in which vinegar is slightly better. Vinegar and Glycerites are good alternative options for those who are avoiding alcohol for religious or other reasons, for children, and for people who just can't stand the taste of one or the other!  If using them as an adult, you may just have to take a higher dose if you are not experiencing the results you want.  Bonus feature of glycerites for kids is they are sweet in taste without having an effect on blood sugar. A mix of vinegar and glycerin is my go-to for our own kids. Vinegar and glycerin have a shorter shelf life than alcohol, 2-3 years vs 5+, but can last longer if kept in the fridge.

For mushrooms: There are generally 2 sets of desirable compounds, 1 set of water soluble and 1 set of non-water soluble compounds, which is why we do a dual extraction. All bases will contain the water extraction, so the water soluble compounds, such as polysaccharides which account for immune modulating and blood-sugar regulating properties, will be the same in each.

That leaves the other half of the extraction, either alcohol (ethanol), vinegar (acid), or glycerin, which serves additionally as a preservative. Ethanol is the most effective solvent for the non-water soluble compounds overall such as Triterpenes & Sterols, but acidic water such as vinegar has been shown to be almost as effective for total polyphenol extraction, which is a large part of the antioxidant activity of mushrooms ( Vinegar is also slightly better at extracting minerals. Overall, vinegar has just not been studied as extensively as a solvent as ethanol, but is used traditionally, and has had strong and consistent results based on our customers' experiences. 

Glycerin is not as effective in breaking down the hard chitin of mushrooms, and is best for use for children since it's less concentrated. In this case the glycerin does extract, but serves more as a preservative. This is why we don't make glycerin base for most of our mushrooms, and we only stock a small amount. 

How It's Made

How are our tinctures made?

In general, Alcohol and Vinegar extracts are made by sitting in menstruum (the extraction liquid) for 2-6 weeks or more, but we aim to maximize the plants and potency of our extracts by having them sit, or macerate, for 6 weeks. Glycerites, or glycerin based extracts, sit for 2-4 weeks, then are heat extracted for 2 hours. Mushrooms go through the first 6 week process like normal, then are extracted a second time by simmering in hot distilled water for 4 hours, the resulting water extract mixed into the alcohol or vinegar extract, resulting in a dual extraction.

Who makes our products?

Everything is hand made personally by Bronson & Makaela and our team of extended family members in Washington state. 

Are your plants organic? 

They are all either organically grown or wild crafted. Not all are certified organic, however.

Where do you source your ingredients?

Our vodka is purchased from a local distillery.  We use Lucy's Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. Our plants are purchased locally from Mountain Maus Remedies in Washington, as well as Mountain Rose Herbs, Forest Mushrooms, and Birch Boys.  Everything is sourced from the USA.


Is it okay to take pharmaceuticals/prescriptions/over-the-counter medications with the tinctures? How 'bout vitamins?

Vitamins - yes it is safe. Pharmaceuticals/prescriptions/OTCs - it is important to discuss with your care provider prior to starting a tincture as we cannot safely advise on this matter.

Are they safe for kids?

Most that we carry are safe for kids if you adjust the dose based on weight. Check the back of the bottle/product details for more info on each tincture.  We make vinegar and glycerin bases which are especially helpful and even appealing to kids, as the glycerin has a sweet flavor without having any effect on blood sugar.

Can tinctures make you drunk?

No. The amount of alcohol is very, very little compared to what is required to intoxicate you. Keep in mind our starting dose suggestion is only 1mL.

Are these products safe to use while pregnant or breastfeeding?

All herbal remedies should be checked with your healthcare provider during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is not recommended to use any herbal remedies during the 1st trimester if you can avoid it. Nettle is generally considered safe and beneficial during pregnancy, however.