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Curio Crow



Regular price $19.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $19.50 USD
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Crampbark is a mild, natural antispasmodic.
Hiccups, Cramps (including PMS), and twitching.

Wild harvested Crampbark (inner bark of the highbush cranberry) and extraction base

Potential Benefits: has been traditionally used to ease muscle cramps and spasms, postpartum recovery, menstrual cramps, IBS and other digestive issues, bronchial spasms, chronic joint/muscle pain.

Recommended Use: 15-30 drops taken internally up to 3 times a day

Descriptions and information are for informational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or illness. All pregnant women should consult a doctor before using anything new.

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  • Terry B.

    "I don't suffer anymore with crampbark and I am so happy to not have to take meds to take away my pain."

  • Anonymous

    "This tincture feels like it's actually saving my life. I started it a little over a week ago along with the Chaga and I'm feeling so much better than I did a week ago, the chronic pain is almost gone and I can really tell when I've skipped taking it for a day. My whole body feels better I've stopped taking all of the pills prescribed for pain and haven't even needed a Tylenol. I feel like I can function again."

  • Heather B.

    "It helps stop my obvious hiccups and eases my muscle cramps in my legs from being on my feet all day."