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Peace and Quiet

Peace and Quiet

Regular price $19.50 USD
Regular price $30.00 USD Sale price $19.50 USD
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Potential Benefits: these herbs have traditionally been used to promote calmness, relaxation, emotional well being, and to soften tension and stress in the body. Helpful for people who experience symptoms associated with anxiety.

Ingredients: Extraction base, Scutellaria Lateriflora, Passiflora Incarnata, Matricaria Chamomilla, Ashwagandha

Recommended Use: 15-45 drops taken internally up to 3 times a day

Use Caution: if you have allergies to members Asteraceae (daisy) or nightshade family, not for use during pregnancy due to Ashwagandha. Consult with doctor during nursing.

Our "preggers blend" does NOT have ashwagandha in it and is equal parts vinegar, glycerin, and vodka. 

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  • Old website reviews!

    This is a brand new website for us, so here are our star reviews from our old one!

  • Stephanie W.

    "This has been the best thing to ever come into my daughter's life. I can't explain how happy I am that she can leave the house without feeling sick to be around people."

  • Wendy M.

    "Since I started taking Peace & Quiet, I honestly feel less tension during the day and I sleep all night long!"

  • Nancy V.

    "Started about 6-9 weeks ago. This is truly a miracle for me! So much calmer. I take this along with Girls Best Friend & MyMush every day!"

  • Courtney F.

    "I've been giving my son MyMush and Peace & Quiet and he's like a different kid... Last year he threw up every morning for the first 6 weeks of school, this year I started him on the tinctures and he's been so calm and focused, no nervousness! It could be part coincidence and maturity, but I know my kid and I know these products have helped tremendously!"

  • Kim H.

    "I use both [Peace & Quiet and Valerian Root] at night. I've come off my ambien. I had been on it for over 25 yrs. I never thought I would see that day."

  • Michelle S.

    "My son suffers from severe anxiety. Sometimes it gets so bad he has to lay down and try to relax to get his heart rate down... I finally talked him into trying the Peace and Quiet... About 15 mins later he comes in with a look of pure relief and was completely shocked that it actually worked. He has been on cloud nine since yesterday because he said he doesn't feel like his heart is going to beat out of his chest. Guess I need to order a bigger bottle since we both take it now. <3"

  • Moka C.

    "I started taking it to see if it would help me sleep. On a good night I would get maybe 2-3 hours... It does help my sleep, but more important it helps my moods as I have anger issues. People at work have noticed how much calmer I am, so it's a keeper."

  • Kate N.

    "I put a few drops of Peace & Quiet in [my son's] juice 3x a day and the significant changes that I see when he doesn't have it is insane. Today, he has not been able to sit still, grabbing and squeezing without stopping, screaming, just all around unease. The difference? He had none of this "special stuff" in his juice because we ran out."

  • Megian N.

    "Love this stuff! I have anxiety to the point I don't leave my bedroom some days, I've been taking the recommended dose twice a day, once in the morning and once at night for a month now, I have been leaving my room and working in my actual office, & going to the store by myself. My sleep patterns are starting to become normal bc I've made taking this a routine. I feel so much more calm and relaxed and not on edge."

  • Stacey P.

    "If you have anxiety, Peace & Quiet is for you! I've been using it and it really helps."

  • Annie P.

    "I have to give a ca-caw shout out to Curio Crow for Peace & Quiet. My husband has been taking it for stress and anxiety of losing his job and starting our own business. I have been taking it for sadness and grief over losing my beloved chicken. I can tell a difference and it's helping not go into a dark place."

  • Crystal V.

    "I can notice a difference when I don't take it. My thoughts race. My mind is much more calm when I have it."

  • Demi S.

    "If you need to calm your mom brain down and need to be able to focus (okay not just moms) but really being able to focus on one thing at a time has been sooooo amazing!"

  • Melissa M.

    "I was skeptical that this product would help with my anxiety and ADHD but I was wrong. It works way better than increasing my caffeine ever did. I was able to process my thought clearly and stay on task. I only needed it once in the morning. A second dose if there is a lot on my plate for the day. Thank you."

  • Kaylee W.

    "After weaning off my antidepressants this tincture has been so helpful in getting my anxiety to calm down and to quiet my mind. Would highly recommend to everyone."

  • Kara R.

    "I prefer to stay away from prescription medication as they never did much to help me. I've only been using the two tinctures for a few days now and I can finally say that my brain is quiet. I've never been able to sit and focus on one thing, or not have some anxious thought floating through my brain. But since taking them, my world has completely changed. Thank you for sharing these natural remedies with us."